Atlas of Body Contouring After Weight Loss

Loren J. Borud, MD; Samuel J. Lin, MD; Kristen M. Rezak, MD

Product Details
Product ID: BC100
Year Produced: 2008
Pages: 323
Dimensions: 10.75x13.75 in
ISBN: 978-0-9788890-3-6

The Atlas of Body Contouring After Weight Loss provides illustrated step-by-step instruction on the most commonly performed body contouring procedures. Each procedure is peer-reviewed by one or more of the world's most noted plastic surgeons, who offer their own take on the procedure.

  1. Perioperative Considerations in Body Contouring Surgery
  2. Panniculectomy
  3. Ventral Hernia Repair
  4. Abdominoplasty
  5. Buttock Lift and Autologous Gluteal Augmentation
  6. Thigh Lift
  7. Lower Body Lift and Combined Body Contouring Surgery
  8. Brachioplasty
  9. Upper Body Lift, Breast Lift and Autologous Breast Augmentation
  10. Male Upper Body Lift
  11. Autologous Fat Transfer
  12. Transverse Skin Excess and Lateral Thoracoplasty